What is the current environment? Understanding the organization’s current state, norms, and the reasons behind current behaviors will help you design a tailored experience to increase its chance of success.

Current Behaviors

What behaviors do the Participants currently exhibit with respect to the identified Goals, and what is incentivizing these behaviors?

I recommend capturing the behaviors and motivations of your organization both at a macro level and for each Participant Group, as identified previously, considering each group’s specific priorities and security behavior beyond what’s defined at the org level. This can help you understand how to eventually tailor the experience to each of the different positions. Include explicit incentives like recognition, performance review criteria, or rewards, as well as implicit ones like cultural or social norms. Note that these will not apply uniformly to all individuals, or to any one individual. The aim is to think deeply using your own observations and experience to capture a general sense of how and why people behave the way they do.

Example Behaviors

Current Experience

What are the details of the program today? Think about the current design, touch points, and interactions with participants. Also capture current incentives and motivations; what compels the Champions to participate today? Also, capture relevant metrics and statistics if available. If you don’t have a program today, you can skip this step.

Example Current Experience

Surveys vs. Observations

It may be helpful to design a survey to send to a sample set of Participant Groups to really understand what’s important to people, how they think about security, and their opinions and suggestions about the current program. A word of caution though: not everyone will express their true incentives / motivations through a survey. There is often a disconnect between what people will tell you they want, what they think they want, what they actually want, and how they act. Use your observations of their behavior to draw your own conclusions and design accordingly.

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